Action Alert! Your voice is needed to help pass a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program in CT this year! The Issue: This could be the year that CT passes a paid family and medical leave program! Three bills are being considered this session related to creating a paid […]
The Senate is expected to vote sometime next week(Sept 25) on a new effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with legislation that would leave millions of Americans without healthcare coverage. Please email your senators and urge them to vote “no” on this proposal and to work […]
Commemorate Earth Day this week by advocating to protect our planet and our health – stand up for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Please Contact your representatives and tell them to reject any cuts to the EPA. Learn about HR861- a bill introduced to terminate the EPA by December, 2018 […]
The majority in the new Congress has made repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, one of its top priorities. In fact, congressional Republicans have taken the first step toward rushing through a repeal of the ACA in a budget resolution without proposing a replacement. Please […]
As you are aware, millions of uninsured people will soon become eligible to sign up for health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The Catholic Health Association(CHA) is a founding member of Enroll America, a coalition working to inform Americans about the new coverage opportunities becoming available. Starting in […]
Message: Health Reform means more people covered and better health care. NOT more people uninsured or losing key benefits. Don’t cut HUSKY parents! Please, call/e-mail your legislators TODAY. Decisions about the CT state budget are being made NOW. Find your legislators and how to reach them here. Some legislators are standing up […]
Join your voice with others and make a difference! Please contact your State Senator THIS WEEK (April 16th-20). Call or e-mail and ask him/her to support a State Basic Health Program. Here’s a list of senators and contact information, as well as a fact sheet on the State Basic Health […]
PLEASE CONTACT LEGISLATORS ABOUT THE STATE BASIC HEALTH PROGRAM! The Human Services Committee held a hearing on SB 425, An Act Establishing a Basic Health Program on Tuesday, March 13th The Committee will vote on the bill in the next two weeks. NOW is the time to contact members of the […]