Action Alert!
Your voice is needed to help pass a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program in CT this year!
The Issue:
This could be the year that CT passes a paid family and medical leave program! Three bills are being considered this session related to creating a paid leave system: S.B. 1; H.B. 5003; and S.B. 881, which is the Governor’s bill. These bills have all passed favorably out of the Labor and Public Employees Committee and now move to the Finance Committee.
While there seems to be a lot of support for this issue, there is still a lot of work to be done to pass real, comprehensive paid leave.
What constitutes real and comprehensive? It is important that a paid leave system be publicly administered, have a high level of wage replacement, and contain an inclusive definition of family that includes chosen family.
- See more information on each of these points here.
As people of faith, we believe in the dignity of every person. Creating a paid family and medical leave system in which people have access and can afford to take the time they need to recover from their own serious illness or a family member’s serious illness, or bond with a new baby, is a critical component of protecting human dignity and wellbeing.
The Action Needed:
CCFJ is part of the Campaign for Paid Leave this year, and we want to invite all of you to join us in advocating for this issue this year. Here are a few ways you can get directly involved:
- Write a letter, email, or call the Governor, members of the Finance Committee, or your own local legislators to urge them to support a comprehensive paid leave program that is publicly administered, contains a high level of wage replacement, and contains the inclusive language of chosen family.
- CT Working Families, which is also a Campaign member, has created an easy tool for sending an email to the Governor and members of the Finance Committee. You can check it out here.
- The Campaign for Paid Family Leave is organizing a Lobby Day every Wednesday from this Wednesday, April 3 through the end of May from 10am-2pm. This is a chance to have a presence in the Legislative Office Building to show support for passing paid leave this session. It’s also a chance to talk with your local legislators and others in the building about why you think this issue is important.
- While each Wednesday is open to anyone who wants to join, CCFJ is taking the lead on Wednesday May 15. Please join us!
Who to Contact:
Calls, emails, or letters to the Governor, members of the Finance Committee, and/or your own local legislators are important!
Find your state legislators here.
Finance Committee: Find contact information here.
Governor Lamont: Email the Governor here, or by using this email writing tool.
Sample Message:
“My name is ____ and I live in your district. I’m calling to urge you to support creating a real paid family and medical leave system in CT this year. A paid leave system should be publicly administered, include high levels of wage replacement, and include an inclusive definition of family. As a person of faith, this issue is important to me because…”
Want to learn more?
“Connecticut Families and Businesses Need FMLI” (Campaign for Paid Family Leave website).
The Campaign for Family Leave has put together more in depth facts sheets on the issue.
Thank you for your advocacy efforts!