Pope Francis insists that the prevailing Western worldview has produced the climate crisis. The view that humans are here to exercise dominion over the world has led to its degradation. After all, he might say, one cannot care for something and dominate at the same time. We must choose between […]
The Collaborative Center for Justice staff submitted an objection to a proposed Trump administration rule change that would leave 3.1 million residents food insecure. See our comment below. Click here to read our explanation of the public comment period, and click here to submit your own comment in opposition to […]
Background One of the ways that the Trump administration pushes already vulnerable populations further to the margins is through unilateral executive action. They have rolled back, or altogether cut, pre-existing regulations that touch on nearly every area of our lives. We are called, then, to bring our voices to these […]
In the Creation story, we read that God gave humankind dominion over all other living things (Genesis 1:26). However, our historical understanding of the term “dominion” has created a problematic orientation toward nature. This term has been used to justify human degradation and depletion of natural resources for human consumption […]
A cursory reading of Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home could leave one with the impression that the preferential option for the poor, as a concept, is unimportant to the document. After all, Pope Francis only mentions it once, and it occurs all the way down in the 158th […]
It is hot. Globally, July 2019 was the hottest month in our 139 years of modern record-keeping. Among other things, we saw one of the great melting events of the Greenland ice sheets, a deadly heatwave descend upon Europe, and months of flooding across the Midwestern United States. While communities […]
Our long-time Director, Sister Mary Alice Synkewecz, retired at the end of June after 20 years of leadership at CCFJ! We thank her for all the work she has done over the years, and wish her well in her retirement. Please join us in welcoming the new Director of the […]
A few weeks ago we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Collaborative Center for Justice! Thank you to everyone who attended our celebration. We heard some challenging, inspiring, and bold words from our keynote speaker, Sister Simone Campbell, SSS who is the Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social […]
The Collaborative Center for Justice stands in solidarity with the victims of sexual abuse and endorses the statement of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious on Vatican Summit on the Protection of Minors .
Today, March 22 is World Water Day. This year’s theme is “Leaving no one behind” and is based on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Safe and clean water for drinking and sanitation is a human right. But billions […]